Wednesday 26 March 2008

How to make your sexual partner start to use condoms?

If your sex partner don’t like to use condoms try to use arguments in stated below dialog.
Imagine, when it comes to sex you take condom pack.

He: What is it?

You: Oh, it’s condoms.

He: But what for?

You: Because I want you get it on.

He: But I don’t use condoms

You: Why not?

He: Because I feel no sensations when condoms.

You: With condoms I could relax and feel myself protect so than you get breathtaking delight...

He: But we have never use condoms before.

You: That’s why I can’t fully relax…

He: But condoms are not quite pleasant...

You: Casual pregnancy and ASID - that is not quite pleasant.

He: You don’t trust me?

You: I trust you, but sometimes people are in ignorant about illness.

He: But condoms kill the romantic.

You: The most romantic is when you and your partner are secured.

He: Honey I love you so much

You: Than secure your love!

I’m confident after that dialog your partner will use condoms.


Anonymous said...

people just don't relize the dangers, as much i dont like to use them, if i dont know the person very well, i dont take the chance,

Emily said...

As for me I use condoms every time I have sex. Even with my boyfriend (I know him for 4 years). This is not only to feel secured but also to avoid pregnancy.