Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The truth about erotic dreams

Erotic dreams often cause anxiety to people, especially if dreaming they do something they would never do in reality. Why it happens? Dream is the reflection of the processes, which take place everyday in our subconsciousness.

The same is about sex – one of the strongest engines of our life. There is nothing surprising in dreams about sex. We dream about sex in different forms and symbols. For instance men dream about following symbols: different tunnels, hills and mountains.

Women also dream about phallic symbols, such as cigars, water, rockets, towers and other raised buildings. Sexual dreams in images and symbols come basically to people with too many hang-ups. That’s why if you dream about sex or about sex toys, you shouldn’t worry – you don’t have complex in this respect. Is it possible to reach orgasm sleeping?

The answer is yes. Men reach orgasm more often than women do. But as they grow older, dreams about sex become a rare event. Men should not worry about ejaculation during sleep. It is natural hormonal process. This is not harmful for the organism and it is not the sign of abnormality.

Sometimes, we dream about somebody in love. It’s not right to say that such dreams have sexual implication, but they leave the feeling of the affection towards the image from dream.

Dreams about love have their own meaning: maybe you have some problems in your personal life. In any case, dreams and reality are different things. Enjoy the life and sleep well!


Anonymous said...

i dont recall ever having a wet dream
I'm not opposed tho!
I never remember my dreams
i kinda wish I did.

Unknown said...

I am getting so many useful information.Such a excellent post it is. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this post so much.


Tongkat Ali